AppCard Services Online

Greetings, we apologize but our site is temporarily unavailable for regular access.
Online deposits will be available on Wednesday, May 15th.

Welcome to the new mobile-friendly AppCard Services account management website! AppCard Services Online allows cardholders to:

  • Grant Guest Access
  • Make Deposits Online (guests may make deposits without account access)
  • Set Low Balance Warnings & Request Money
  • Report Lost or Stolen Cards
  • View Account Activity
  • View Recent Deposits

Accessing & Using AppCard Online
To access AppCard Services Online, login here or log into your AppalNET account. Select the My AppalNET tab and look for the AppCard Online box along the left. Click the AppCard Online logo.

Grant Guest Access
After accessing AppCard Online, select Grant Additional Access from the Personalize menu. You can use this page to let your friends and family have access to your account. They will get their own password and access so they can view your activity and make deposits without your assistance. You may select specific areas of access for your guests. Simply uncheck the permissions you do not want to allow. For example, to restrict a guest from setting up Low Balance Warnings, uncheck the Low Balance box and save your settings.

You will need email addresses for each guest and a maximum of 10 guests may be granted access. Your guest(s) will receive an email with a unique password to be used for login.

If you have been granted Guest Access, you may log-in by selecting Guest Access Login from the left and entering your email and assigned password.

Latest News

: Please use your Money before it's too late!

: Guest Access Can be assigned!