Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I get more information about Orange Cash?

Q: Where can I get more information about my UHDS dining plan?

Q: Where did Orange Rewards go? I just see Orange Cash mentioned now.

Q: Where can I use my Orange Cash account?

Q: What are the benefits of putting money into my Orange Cash account?

Q: How much does it cost to participate?

Q: Can money on a UHDS dining plan transfer to an Orange Cash account?

Q: When I go to a UHDS cash register which type of payment will be used when my OSU ID is swiped?

Q: When I go to a cash register in the MU Commons (Panda Express, etc.) which type of payment will be used when my OSU ID is swiped?

Q: What happens if I leave the University and there is money in my Orange Cash account?

Q: How will the ASOSU Meal Bux Program be handled?

Q: How will I find out about Orange Cash-related discounts and special offers?

Q: Who do I contact with questions or to opt out of Orange Cash emails?

Q: What happened to my OSU Card Cash and Orange Rewards accounts?

Q: Where can I get more information about Orange Cash?

A: You can learn more about Orange Cash at food.oregonstate.edu/orange-cash.

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Q: Where can I get more information about my UHDS dining plan?

A: You will find University Housing & Dining Services (UHDS) dining plan information at http://uhds.oregonstate.edu/dining/dining-plan-options. You are also welcome to call UHDS at 541-737-4771 or email housing@oregonstate.edu.

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Q: Where did Orange Rewards go? I just see Orange Cash mentioned now.

A: We've retired the Orange Rewards name, but the 10% discount you receive on in-person dining transactions and other special deals for account users are still an important part of the Orange Cash program.

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Q: Where can I use my Orange Cash account?

A: Your Orange Cash account may be used at campus dining locations that are managed by University Housing & Dining Services or located in the MU Commons; at these locations you'll receive an automatic 10% discount on in-person transactions. It may also be used at MU Lanes and Games, at the Valley Library for printing and copying services, and at Printing & Mailing Services, but no discount will be applied for these purchases. In addition, it may be used for robot food delivery and mobile order pick-up via the Starship food delivery app, but no discount will be applied for these services.

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Q: What are the benefits of putting money into my Orange Cash account?

A: You can use your OSU ID card to pay at many campus locations, for mobile ordering, and for robot food delivery. You'll automatically save 10% on purchases made in-person at UHDS restaurants, cafes and markets and at restaurants in the MU Commons. You can also use your account to pay for special offers (such as limited-time-only food discounts) exclusive to customers using their OSU ID card for payment. In addition, Orange Cash funds don't expire; they are available for your use as long as your OSU ID card is active with OSU. For your convenience, you may schedule recurring deposits based on low-balance, a designated day each week, or a day each month. You may also give friends and family guest access to add funds on your behalf.

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Q: How much does it cost to participate?

A: Nothing, although there is a minimum initial deposit of $25.00.

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Q: Can money on a UHDS dining plan transfer to an Orange Cash account?

A: No, funds are not transferable between Orange Cash accounts and UHDS Dining Dollars, or any other accounts.

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Q: When I go to a UHDS cash register which type of payment will be used when my OSU ID is swiped?

A: Payment is deducted in the following sequence: first from a UHDS dining plan, then from your Orange Cash account.

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Q: When I go to a cash register in the MU Commons (Panda Express, etc.) which type of payment will be used when my OSU ID is swiped?

A: The payment will be deducted from your Orange Cash account.

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Q: What happens if I leave the University and there is money in my Orange Cash account?

A: You may apply for a refund via the OSU ID Center.

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Q: How will the ASOSU Meal Bux Program be handled?

A: All Meal Bux awardees will have their Meal Bux allotments loaded into their Orange Cash account, but they will not be identified as ASOSU Meal Bux Program participants.

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Q: How will I find out about Orange Cash-related discounts and special offers?

A: All communications will be sent to your ONID email address so be sure it is set up to forward to your preferred email account.

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Q: Who do I contact with questions or to opt out of Orange Cash emails?

A: Send an email to OrangeCash@oregonstate.edu.

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Q: What happened to my OSU Card Cash and Orange Rewards accounts?

A: OSU Card Cash and Orange Rewards accounts are now merged into one account, Orange Cash.

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ID Center

Oregon State University ID Center
Memorial Union, Room 103
Office hours: M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm
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